Make-up and fashion goes together. Make-up started being very very popular a few years ago and you don't need to be a make-up artist to do a great make-up, all the products are very accessible to everybody. Make-up trends are as important as fashion trend. Every season the focus is different and the beauty approach too. 

A few weeks ago, I attended a make-up lesson with MAC in Zurich. I love attending such event because I have still a lot to learn about it!

I am wearing :
Wide Legs Pants : Zara
Top : La Redoute
Heels : Minelli
Belt : Levi's

MAKE-UP by : Vitor Suza, MAC makeup artist.


Contouring your face like Kim K. was very trendy a few seasons ago, tons of foundation with bold highlight....but this summer this trend is OVER. Not telling you guys that the contouring is over but the way you contour is way different than before. The trend this season for your complexion is more naturel, it's all about enhance the beauty of your "imperfect" skin. It's over to hide everything and have a matte and fade skin! The trend is all about having a shiny and healthy look to your face! As you may notice on the pictures below, a very special trend came up - adding some "fake" freckles. 

If you have to remember one thing for summer - get some blue make-up products. this is THE color of the season! You can wear it on your lips, on your eyes and even on your eyebrows!

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